Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Alleycon 2k14

Ah, comic book conventions. As long as the comic book was invented, so has the comic book convention... Okay, not really, but conventions do have pretty deeply sown tradition through the annals of time. 

There are comic conventions in Seoul and Busan, known as Comic World, since 1999 which are up to their 128th and 89th events respectively. They are up that high because Seoul holds their events every month whereas Busan is held bimonthly. Although the anime/comic/manga demographic in Seoul is booming, I feel once a month is overkill to be hosting events and cheapens the novelty of conventions as such. 

Anyway, back to Gwangju though. Gwangju held their second annual comic book/video game/sci-fi/nerdfest known as Alleycon just this past weekend and they're doing it once a year, which certainly makes it feel a little more special in that it happens annually. I wasn't here last year and was invited by a colleague whom is an avid fan of Game of Thrones (as am I) so much so that he cosplayed as one of the characters, Grey Worm, if you've been watching any of the latest season.
The first thing you see walking in: BMO!
We arrived Saturday morning to a very modest start (mind you this is a one day event). People getting set up and a local restaurant The First Alleyway setting up a food truck outside for people to have breakfast sandwiches... which also is where the name Alleycon comes from. Their restaurant has a great atmosphere with great food and drinks and most importantly, BOARD GAMES! I digress though, back to Alleycon...
Book swapping and selling

I meet a few new people, walk around the first floor with a tea vendor, comic book artists, book sellers, and others. The fourth floor contained a Dungeons & Dragons room that would be used all day as well as a lecture hall that would be used for Skype with a comic book artist living back home, musical performances, question and answer panels, and the ever-popular cosplay contest. 

Settlers of Catan with some new acquaintances
The top on the fifth floor would be where gamers would find their Eden: a video game room set up with an Xbox for Halo, a Wii for Super Smash Bros., Wii U that would have a variety of games such as Mario Kart 8, PC Gaming... and right next door would be for casual board, card, and role playing gamers to try new games, meet new people, or have a nice friendly competition. Across the hall is where things got a bit more serious for competitive gaming.

Super Smash Bros. Four Player Frenzy

Though I had ample time to get a costume ready, I was just too bogged down with work to get something ready. I'm sure that next year, work will come at me a little more smooth-sailing so I could get a costume ready and participate and hopefully win the crown next year. I've already got something in mind.
My Colleague's Cosplay of Grey Worm

When Hyrule and Metropolis combine


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